When trying to turn off the anonymous browsing capabilities for a web or a subweb in FrontPage, when the FrontPage extensions have been added through the Ensim control panel, the following error is produced by FrontPage:

The role(s) 'Administrator' exceed the rights specified for anonymous access and contain the the account used for anonymous logons by your web server directly or indirectly through at least one of the following members: DOMAIN\virtualuser'. To fix this remove these members from those roles.


  • Disable the FrontPage extension within the ensim control panel
  • Install the FrontPage extensions to the site with DOMAIN/Administrator user
  • Add a user to the website, with role administrator, but make sure it is not the Ensim user
  • Run the server health check to make sure that the permissions are set right
  • Install the subwebs, and make the permissions independent

At this point, you should be able to turn anonymous browsing off for that subweb