
You have one or more NetApp storage systems (F960 or later series), running Data ONTAP® 7G (or later). You would like to take advantage of the snapshot capabilities, to facilitate the database backup process. However, you don’t want to use the default root login for the automated logins, nor do you want to use the unsecure rsh, as these options would violate corporate security policies (especially if you have a compliance commitment to ISO 27002, PCI or HIPAA).


Create a restricted users that has only login access and the ability to manage snapshots:

  • Setup on the filer: (it is recommended that you select long keys when you are asked 1024 and 768 for ssh v1 – ssh1 shouldn’t be enabled anyway – 2048 for ssh2).
  • Start on the filer: (at this point you should be able to log in to the filer with ssh as root with your admin password)
  • Create group / role / user:
    The last command allows you to check your work, and the output should like:
  • Put your public keys in the authorized keys file on the filer: (typically you do that by mounting the filer root volume on one of your AIX boxes – any OS that can mount the root volume should work).
  • At this point you are ready to test by logging in via ssh to the account. Keep in mind that before you can successfully log in, you have to log out from the NetApp.
