NewPush Corporate Ethics Policy
Cybersecurity is the single organizing factor that pervades all policy, services, product development, and decision-making at NewPush. We aim to position our company at the cutting-edge of security development, and work to help our customers improve their cybersecurity by offering more and better cybersecurity-related services.
Corporate Behavior
NewPush works to improve profitability through sound business activities, and to achieve dynamic development so as to benefit society. NewPush is aware of the need to enhance its corporate value not only by observing all relevant laws and regulations but also by fulfilling its social responsibilities as a good corporate citizen.
Customer Satisfaction
NewPush earns customer satisfaction and confidence by developing and offering beneficial and reliable products and services, by paying careful attention to safety, and by actively seeking feedback. NewPush pledges clarity and transparency in all corporate communication, building strong foundations for our relationships with our partners.
Fair Corporate Activities
All of NewPush’s corporate activities must comply with relevant legislation. Furthermore, NewPush promotes fair, transparent, and free competition between corporations. We will always select business partners based on objective criteria, and ensure that our dealings with government agencies and political bodies are of normal and proper nature.
Human Rights
NewPush respects human rights in all its corporate activities, never accepting any discriminatory practices or child or forced labor. Treating each other with dignity, respect and fairness is the foundation of good business conduct. Discrimination against any person with whom we do business on the basis of any legally protected status is unacceptable.
Valuing employees
NewPush respects each employee’s individuality and creates work environments where all its employees can fully demonstrate their abilities and carry out their jobs with enthusiasm. Our No-blame policy is essential to the company, and ensures both the timely resolution of any issues, and the maintenance of a positive work environment for all.