There is a signal that indicates the need to change education.

While elementary and secondary schools have progressed considerably in the last years, the coming days of the field are focused to get much more impactful improvements.

Technological innovations in big data analytics, mobile expansion in and beyond of schools, and the breakthroughs in cloud-based smart content are making significantly accurate tools to define what academic procedures would show the optimum and drastically change present educational methods.

Such innovative analytics and cloud-based smart content can assist educators to uncover deep insights which will change procedure to learning and help shift the classrooms from assembly-line to a totally individualized setting – environments which motivate and involve students at any level from kindergarteners learning to university.

But for a real revolution to happen, you will find a demand of smooth collaboration between teachers, parents and pupils that build a learning environment which fosters knowledge progress and uses technology to enhance students involvement which undoubtedly boosts results. Public-private along with cooperating with private sectors are necessary to shift classrooms to a setting which motivates and engages learners at any level and delivers an environment in which success is not produced in a vacuum but collectively.

The view on the classroom of the future cannot reach a more essential time. Research has shown that on a worldwide level nearly 2 of 3 adults have not accomplished the equal of high-grade education. This result is inappropriate in a century where a secondary degree is usually the minimum necessary for a person to efficiently get into the employed pool.

Against that background for today, it has been introduced a new collaboration with the University of South Carolina to utilize their recently minted Center for Applied Innovation to develop technology basis and information needed for customized education which boosts results for students.

Incorporating with USC we are searching solutions for using big data and analytics to help arrange smart content, student evaluations and information inside as well as outside the University. Since the project advances our alliance would make USC a global center of experience for educational institutions applying the same products all over the world.

Collaborations with educational institutions are essential whether we intend to be focused on changing education.

Collectively we can make an improvement. Together we can develop and apply technology to change education and be sure that limitations to learn are getting a smaller reason for accomplishment globally.