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Blog Category: Data Warehouse

Updated IBM DB2 e-kit for Database Professionals

Refresh of the DB2 e-kit As a follow up to the DB2 Discovery Kit post, here is a link the the Updated IBM DB2 e-kit for Database Professionals This new kit has a number of resources for migrating to DB2 from other databases, such as Oracle.

Export MySQL table as csv file

Exporting from an RDBMS always depends on the syntax of the specific RDBMS in question.  For MySQL, here is how to transform a SELECT statement into a CSV export: SELECT a,b INTO OUTFILE ‘/tmp/result.csv’ FIELDS TERMINATED BY ‘,’ OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY ‘”‘ LINES TERMINATED BY ‘n’ FROM test_table; Reference: MySQL 5.0 Reference Manual

Drop Index in MySQL takes forever

Even though for our core systems we have migrated most databases to DB2, we still have to deal with MySQL for some side systems, such as CRM, Blog, etc.   One of the MySQL features that I recently noticed is that dropping indexes on sizable tables takes forever.  That is apparently due to a convoluted […]